With the rise of Teen Mom’s popularity getting a bit of of control, a lot of important people are taking notice and are trying to put more realistic opinions on the topic out there for young women to see.
Kim Kardashian, after reading the a scary story about that Tennessee high school where 90 students were either pregnant or had given birth in the past year, she took to her blog to vent, saying:
“It seems that shows like Teen Mom are all of a sudden making teen pregnancy seem cool in the eyes of young girls. The kids from these shows are all over the news, even on the covers of magazines, and have been become almost like celebrities, but girls, these are not people you should idolize! When I think back to when I was 16, there is no way I would even have considered having a baby. That thought wouldn’t even have entered my head. Having a baby is one one of the biggest, and most life-changing decisions a person can make and while I’m not saying that no teen is in the position to raise a child, having a baby so young shouldn’t be seen as the trendy thing to do.”
Something to think about, huh Amber Portwood, though we imagine you don’t agree.
On her blog, she implores her young, female fans to “think very carefully” before making the choice to be sexually active, adding “talk to your family, friends, teachers, and most of all, be careful.”
We second that, whole heartedly.