տուն Uncategorized Eric Schmidt calls Android ‘more secure than the iPhone’

Eric Schmidt calls Android ‘more secure than the iPhone’


Google’s Eric Schmidt has a reputation for raising eyebrows with his public proclamations, so this latest episode should come as little surprise — the company chairman declared during the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo that Android has a security advantage over Apple’s iPhone. In comments reported by ZDNet, Schmidt responded to a question from Gartner analyst David Willis as such:

Willis: “If you polled many people in this audience they would say Google Android is not their principal platform… When you say Android, people say, wait a minute, Android is not secure.”

Schmidt: “Not secure? It’s more secure than the iPhone.”

The answer reportedly drew laughs from the audience in attendance. Although Schmidt apparently did not give a direct explanation, he pointed to Android’s billion-plus device activations and stringent security testing.



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