տուն Uncategorized Woman tested for Ebola at London hospital after walking in with ‘haemorrhagic...

Woman tested for Ebola at London hospital after walking in with ‘haemorrhagic fever’


It is believed she presented herself to St George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London, with a high temperature.

A spokesperson from St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust said: “A patient has been admitted to St George’s Hospital with a haemorrhagic fever and is currently undergoing a series of tests, as a precaution one of which is for Ebola.

“The trust has followed national guidance and moved the patient to our clinical infections unit where they are being cared for in isolation, away from other patients.”

The trust said infection control procedures remain in place while medics await the results.

“We are confident that all appropriate actions have been taken by our staff to protect the public and the patient”, Express informs.