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Is THIS the Loch Ness Monster? Satellite image on Apple’s Maps software may finally have solved the mystery of Nessie


Looking for the Loch Ness Monster? There’s an app for that.

Amazing images of a creature swimming below the surface of the world famous loch have been accessed from a satellite high in the atmosphere, using Apple’s satellite map app.

The photographs were captured by two different amateur Nessie hunters scanning different satellites transmitting images of the earth from space.

The location was just south of Dores, were beamed from Apple’s satellite map app and could only be viewed on some iPads and iPhones.

The hunters Peter Thain from Northumberland and Andy Dixon County Durham, were amazed by their find.

Mr Dixon said yesterday: ‘It was purely by accident that I came across the image. I was trawling through satellite transmissions of different parts of the country and I thought I would try Loch Ness.

‘I could see something big under the water and I saved it to my phone. My first thought was that it was the monster and I contacted Gary Campbell of the Official Loch Ness Monster Club, Daily Mail informs.