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Hasmik Papyan plans to return


Mrs. Papyan after a long break you have performed in Philharmonic hall this year with the Philharmonic orchestra. Did this hall survive the competition of the other big halls you have seen?


Our orchestra performed wonderfully that evening. I liked the fact that they were able to show such high quality. So, it did not just survive but exceeded.


There were some changes. How will you evaluate our Opera with your professional point of view? What about the musicians?


Our opera has all that is needed: wonderful voices, good choir, orchestra and is technically equipped. All we need is to make more performances for both the listener and the performer for singers to grow. I hope that will be in near future as well.


 Recently Armenian Philharmonic orchestra became very famous abroad. Concerts are taking place very often by sponsorship of the President and the first lady; as well as guests are invited from abroad. Do you think the presidential family does that to raise its authority or is it  being done for raising cultural life?


In general, cultural events are supported by the state in all over the world. Our Government tries to do it as well. I wouldn’t say that they are doing it for sake of raising their authority. It would have been good if they used their abilities to support our young musicians.


 You are living in Vienna, if I’m not mistaken. Do you consider returning to Armenia, open a music school and teach the Armenian youth what you have learned along the way you have passed? 


Not only I do have an intention, but I am returning to Armenia. Where else would I invest my knowledge and skills if not in Armenia.


Interview by: Marian MARGARYAN



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